Monday, January 5, 2009

Kim has inspired me!!-edited

My amazing friend kimmy has lost 16lbs...jealous!! So I have decided to get my lazt butt of the couch! I am in the process (have to find one) of buying a wii and the wii fit! My sister in law has one so for now I will use it! I want to loose 90lbs, eventually!!! Anyway, go Kimmy!

Okay so I realized 90lbs would be too much! Haha....i want to weigh 155 (healthy weight for my height) so I have 49lbs to loose...haha wow!


KK said...

90 pounds! My over all goal is to lose 60....I have a lot left!

I love my Wii fit and I think thats why I love working out. Lol. I also love doing Yoga Booty Ballet.

Good Luck!

Brienne said...

yeah...I feel like i need to loose 90 but that would be too skinny! LOL

KK said...

See I want to be close to what I was(ish) in high school. Meybe a little more then that since I only weighed like 100 pounds back

I just want to look in the mirror and be happy with what I see again.